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What does the vegetable garden have to do with lacquer?

Keep up to date with changes in the product range - New menu item on the website!

A product range has something in common with a vegetable garden. It needs work and care to produce good yields and to provide the right vegetables for each season. Until now, we have always tended in secret, which sometimes caused confusion. Suddenly the carrots were out and no one knew it. To prevent this from happening again, we will now transparently communicate the changes in the standard product range, which we publish on our website.

On the product pages and the service pages you will detect a menu item "changes in the product range". Here you will find information on sales items that will be removed from the product range and when this will happen. In addition, where possible, we will point out successor or replacement products.

Our major goal of transforming our product range into a largely solvent-free and sustainable portfolio by 2030 will require numerous product changes. Thus you can always stay up-to-date if and when the materials you use are affected.

And another analogy from the garden. In the future, we will also provide a glimpse into our greenhouse on the website, where the cultivation of the new plantlets takes place.

Changes in the product range

The transformation of the product range

goes hand in hand with intensive development work.

Here we will take you along and inform you about the stage of developments. But don't worry, our new basic foods are already thriving. So as a craftsman, don't be afraid to start working with our mature water-based lacquer range today if you want to join us on the road to sustainability.

Just take a look at our lighthouses under this link on the website. There is much more to it than you think.

Sustainability details