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Craft Blog

What lacquer has in common with electric cars.

Why three lacquer families at the same time?

Inspiration Blog

What are the benefits of sustainability seals?

Never trust a seal that you didn't issue yourself.

Craft Blog

Proper mixing – but how?

Here’s a brief description of the procedure for mixing Hesse 2-component lacquers.

Craft Blog

Safety at sea

Do you need an EC Declaration of Conformity?

Craft Blog

Are water-based lacquers more harmful than solvent-based systems?

This is a widespread misconception

Craft Blog

What does the vegetable garden have to do with lacquer?

Keep up to date with changes in the product range - New menu item on the website!

Inspiration Blog

The silence of the birds

What do birds have to do with a carpenter’s workshop?

Inspiration Blog

How much nature is in the lacquer or oil?

Inspiration Blog

Better than linseed oil

The potential of Iberian dragon’s head

Inspiration Blog

Issues surrounding an “eco” label

How does a manufacturer obtain an eco-INSTITUT label?