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The silence of the birds

What do birds have to do with a carpenter’s workshop?

For a number of years it was quiet in the vicinity of our local carpenter's workshop. Not that work wasn’t ongoing there. On the contrary. Business was booming. It is well equipped, not a backyard operation. The owner is dedicated.

Surface quality is the key to success and the protection of employees is a priority.

So why was it quiet?

One of our product managers recently visited the workshop. A routine event. The discussions involved optimisations in lacquer processing. Small talk.

Then came the crucial phrase: “We can hear birdsong again”

These sounds of nature had been silenced for years. What changed to enable the birds to be heard again? Not much, as it happens. Although the workshop had some time ago switched from processing solvent-based products to water-based lacquers. This virtually eliminated the emissions from solvents (VOC). The impacts can be observed in the immediate vicinity. The birds are returning.

An inspiring example. Real. Not imagined. A true life experience.

The topic of sustainability is often addressed in a very abstract way. Those islands being consumed the sea are after all far away. Lofty themes and terms are in circulation. Yet with alert senses we can experience the impact right on our own doorstep.

Action is what makes the difference. That’s why one of our sustainability goals is to bring solvent emissions in our markets close to zero by 2030.

Oh, and by the way. It’s not just the birds that are returning. Insects are also coming back. Some of them are so fond of coated surfaces that they don't even wait for them to dry, but throw themselves straight into the refreshing pool of lacquer. This can however be controlled by simple means that protect the insects and thus have a positive impact on surrounding ecosystems.

Get involved! Now! The environment will be grateful.

P.S.: Let us know if you have any similar experiences. We look forward to hearing your news.