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For the coloration and tinting of wood

Typical features of wood stains

  1. the wood’s figurative expression is retained
  2. wide range of applications
  3. simple application
  4. extensive colour span

Stains on wood

Differences between dyestuff stain and pigment stain

Stains are used to add colour or effects to bare solid wood or veneered surfaces. They also permit emphasis of the wood’s pore pattern or structure.

Stains can even be used to even out wood differences and delay wood ageing / discolouration. A basic distinction is made between dyestuff stains (transparent, penetrate deep into the wood) and pigment stains (opaque, sit on top and barely penetrate the wood).

A further distinction is between water-based stains, where water is used as a solvent , and reaction stains, where the stain reacts with a substrate . Our product range no longer includes stains with organic solvents.

Fields of application : all interior fittings with veneer and/or solid wood

Col­our tones for stains and oils

Stain cards for inspiration

Here you’ll find many examples of our colour tones and an overview of the standard colour tones on individual stain and oil colour cards.


Product highlights

Stains with a positive impact

PICEA stains are used wherever a welcoming atmosphere is required: they are equally at home in catering establishments or on stylish softwood furniture as they are on interior wall coverings. They are often used for lovingly stained furnishings in spruce and fir.

  • a pronounced positive impact
  • WN colour tones are universally usable
  • simple processing

You can use our OLDCOUNTRY stain to obtain unique, grey-blue stain effects on exclusive one-off pieces. It is especially attractive on furniture and parquet flooring. Whereby processing is guaranteed to be simple.

The effects are caused by a chemical reaction between the stain and wood ingredients

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Porträt von Jessica Hennemann
Product Management & Marketing Product Manager